
A rant about US embassies overseas

I would like to take a moment to rant about US embassies overseas...I was kicked out 3 times from the embassy this morning for having a phone, an iPod and a USB in my bag. Here's the worst part, they wouldn't let me leave my electronics at security, I had to take them off the premise and leave them with someone outside. (What possible security threat could my 2 GB USB hold in a secure compound!!!)

I came alone so when I asked the guards outside to watch my stuff they declined saying 'personnel not allowed'...luckily I found an angry expat sitting outside (and who will remain there for several more hours) who was kind enough to hold my electronics while I notarized documents inside....in return I sat with him and listened to him rant about the rudeness of all things relating to uncle sam.

I expect to be treated differently when I am a guest in a foreign country, and I expect to be put out from time to time with Thai authority, but not from my own damn embassy!!!!

Royally annoyed in downtown Bangkok,

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