
Baan Unrak Hip Hop Boys Take the Stage!

The Baan Unrak Hip Hop boys are at it again! New dance, new members, new choreography and a new look! [Click here if you missed my last post introducing Taji and Chocolate and their mission to dance to a better future...]

These boys are remarkable and despite their losses (loss of family, loss of home, loss of country) they really stay strong and determined to create something new for themselves.

Enjoy the video!

The Karen minority group invited us to their Christmas celebrations last weekend, timed to celebrate the full moon. There were Christmas songs sung in Thai and Karen dialect, snow cones and frozen juice Popsicles, a bouncing castle for the kids (which we foreigners were denied entrance to due to our 'size'), prayers bestowed by the village leaders, and snacks and presents delivered to the kids by a Karen Santa Clause (chewing beetle nut tobacco and carrying a small machete in his back pocket for extra 'local' charm.)

...Watching them on stage takes me back to the days when I was a competitive dancer. Now almost 8 years since I wore my last pair of ballet slippers. That part of me feels like a past life, rather than the recent history that it is. I almost miss the rehearsals, the nerves and excitement, the costume changes and the pressure of an audience...ALMOST!

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