Yesterday was a good day....we had a group of climbers, who managed in two days to give us enough business to allow us some breathing room and luxury spending! Thanks to you kids and hope you come back....real soon! :)

So what exactly did we spend our money on? Our home of course! That's where all our cash goes, into the shop or into our home. It's a piece meal effort, but eventually our home will get this rate we're buying one essential per month: bed, cabinet, pillows, will be the electricity, installing a kitchen and building a garden. Maybe another 2 years before our home will be anything to show off, but who the hell cares. It's fun building from the ground up!
So what did we spend it on this time? We bought ourselves some kick ass bar stools for the guests we hope to one day entertain, at a kitchen/coffee corner we hope to one day install. This MIGHT have been a premature purchase, but the chairs were beautiful and the deal was OK.

Decorative furniture pieces: locking lounge cabinet (for all the books my Aunts send me!); clothing cabinet for our room; hand crafted wooden jewelry box from a local market; and outdoor patio & chairs for guests who need to smoke, outside of my house please :)
Side note: here in the South of Thailand, roughly 99.9 % of men smoke. I don't know why, and I'm not sure if this is a 'machismo' appeal or a cultural preference....but I was shocked to learn, that unless otherwise told, men felt right at home smoking up inside a friend's place of no no no no! The patio furniture is my attempt at politely encouraging a 'farang-friendly' residence!
I think that will be it for our home improvements for a least until we get another luxury cushion from an exceptionally good business day.
Know any friends? Why not send them this way?!
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