Ananda Marga, What Is It?
Ananda Marga is a global spiritual and social service organization founded in 1955 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar), lovingly referred to as Baba which means"father" in Sanskrit.
"The mission of Ananda Marga is self-realization (individual emancipation) and service to humanity (collective welfare): the fulfillment of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of all people. Through its meditation centers and service projects around the world, Ananda Marga offers instruction in meditation, yoga and other self-development practices on a non-commercial basis, and responds to social emergencies and long-term social needs.”
Ananda Marga Volunteer Service Projects:
The Philosophy:
“There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness.” Most things in this world are ‘limited’, meaning they may provide pleasure for only a short while; we as humans can never be satisfied with limited things, and it is in our nature to crave long-lasting happiness. Infinite happiness, or bliss, is attainable if we aim to expand our awareness, develop our capacity to love and connect with all life, and create a personal relationship with the greater ‘cosmic consciousness’ that guides this life (which we may call God.)
Ananda Marga teaches ‘self-realization’, the practice that leads to the discovery of infinite peace and happiness.
“It is an ideology and way of life; a systematic and scientific process for the fulfillment of all human needs: physical, mental and spiritual. It is introversial, intuitional practice; with techniques ranging from personal hygiene to yoga postures; from social service to meditation. Its goal is the all-round elevation of human beings, both individually and collectively, in all spheres of human existence: individual, social, economic, intellectual and spiritual.”
"As an organization, Ananda Marga has a global network of centers in virtually every country of the world. Its activities encompass a wide range of projects for the welfare of humanity, animals, plants and the whole planet. These include yoga and meditation centers, schools, children’s homes, food distribution centers, disaster relief, medical centers and community development projects. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of the local people and assisting them in developing their personal and social resources for the prosperity of all."
Baan Unrak is just one of the many Neo-Humanist organizations worldwide, and Didi Devamala (a nun in the order) is teaching these very same principles of 'self-realization' to all of her children in the Home. At this retreat in Malaysia I got up close and personal with the organization, and met a lot of followers (Margis) walking very different, and interesting, paths in life. Overall, the retreat was a collection of nearly 200 individuals, who at various stages in their lives came together in search of one thing: the need for collective peace and happiness. I found everyone to be extremely giving, supportive and generous as we joined with the children from Baan Unrak in group meditation and 'kiirtan' (see video above.)
If you'd like to learn more, check out the organization's website here. Click on the links for more information about teaching centers nearest you, and the network of volunteer centers and service projects worldwide.
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