Case in point, today is my free day. After waking up late and rushing my group out the door to breakfast, substitute teaching the English class at school, sorting overdue work emails and answering work related calls...well I'm not having much of a day off after all. :) My fault. I forgot to administer the kill switch when I woke this morning!
I realized that I missed a phone date with my sister in law this morning, and I am sorry for that. I received a sweet email from my father, telling me how much I am being missed by my parents, and I have yet to respond to my brother's birthday email with relevant updates or news....I am dropping the ball with my family, and I want them to know that even when I don't write, don't call, don't post photos for's not because I am not thinking of them.
So this one's for you!
Mom & Dad: I am doing well. A couple weeks ago I got pretty sick and I was afraid I had dengue fever again. There's been a terrible outbreak in Sangkhlaburi (and throughout the rest of Thailand they're expecting a record outbreak this year); I had all the right symptoms for it but luckily whatever I had passed through my system within 24 hours.
Funny, this is not the life I ever imagined for's gotten to the point that my hands are so tough and calloused that I never need to use gloves when working with the tools or the land. My skin has become naturally resistant to mosquito bites, I rarely ever get bitten these days. My arms and face also no longer burns in the hot midday sun and I feel less hot when I am covered up fully than when wearing singlets or shorts. Just like a local now.
Work is work, and things are the same as usual in that department. I'm working more this season than I have in a while now, and I welcome it. I'm no longer thinking just 3 or 4 months ahead at a time, I am genuinely trying to save for building a good life here: home, land, washing machine....these things I would like coming my way in the next year or so.
For my sister-in-laws and other interested parties: Tik and I are stronger than ever. We talk openly about intending to marry and building a life together here in Thailand. His rock climbing business is still hanging in there, however it's been a hard low season for him already. Tik spent one month in Saraburi developing his skills as a rescue certified climber and networking contacts with government officials and other rock climbing industrialists in Thailand and Nepal. It was a great working opportunity for him, however it required a lengthy absence from his shop and he ended up losing quite a bit of money. We only hope that the sacrifice now will pay off one day in the future.
Friends: I think about my life in Thailand very differently now. I am feeling more settled than ever, and it is because I have people to settle down for. Thar Gyi, Faith, Thang Mo and many other kids at Baan Unrak don't have the option of traveling so I feel a need to stay close to them. Tik, my future, a life I am dreaming of for's all here. I still intend to come back to Miami next year for my annual visit, and Tik and I are fighting hard to save enough money for him to come with me. I need you to know him, before we marry, despite what my brother says :)
One day I might relocate back to the USA, if all else fails here. I know better than to say anything for certain, however it would be nice for you guys to start meeting me over on this side for a change!
For my brothers: As usual I may have my head in the clouds, but I am supremely happy. Even in my toughest days at work or at the home, I feel stronger and supported. Thailand still continues to amaze me, with beauty, kindness, humor and challenge. I still find new and interesting sights, and the stimulation is an important factor to my happiness. I am sure of that.
I have chosen the unconventional path to success and happiness, and my definition of success may be far below the par we were raised with...but it feels right.
I love you guys so much, and I miss you every day. Really, I am blessed to have such a loving beautiful family and we already have so much to be grateful for. I hope one day our family will continue to grow one day, because I feel my time is coming soon!