
Family farm for sale, Alabama

Grandma and Grandpa (Ruth and Obie Langley) had a farm in small town Woodland, Alabama and the property is now for sale. My Uncle Jim and cousin Rivers teamed up to make this short film for prospective buyers, and it's got a great story to it. One that fills the home with the same memories and warmth we all shared during the family visits.

My brothers and I have so many happy childhood memories playing in the fields, fishing in the lakes, and herding the cattle like Great Cowboys. I'll be sad to see it go, but happy to see it up and running again someday.


Do's and Don'ts of Disaster Donations

Shared and posted originally on www.GoodIntents.org,

The following is a series of dos and don’ts to help you make the best donation decisions after a disaster.

Do determine if the country is accepting international assistance
With all the photos and videos of destruction on the evening news, it may seem impossible that governments would not want outside assistance. However, just because there has been a disaster does not mean that the local government and local aid organizations are not capable of reaching and helping those in need. Before sending your donation find out what, if any, assistance the government is allowing. Check to see if the aid organization you’re considering donating to is offering that same type of assistance.

Do look at a variety of nonprofits before giving
There are hundreds of organizations that respond to most disasters, take the time to evaluate a few before giving. Also, just because they have name recognition does not mean they’re best able to respond to the disaster. Look for organizations that were operating in the country before the disaster, they will be able to respond quicker and know the local culture, politics, and needs better. Giving to local organizations is great, unfortunately they can be difficult to find and may not have a website or if they do it may not be in English.

Places to find lists of organizations involved in the recovery efforts include:

InterAction for many U.S. organizations
for organizations from many different countries
Dochas for Irish aid organizations

Do look for organizations with prior experience and expertise
There is a great deal of money after well publicized disasters. The ease of raising money makes it tempting to respond even if the organization does not have prior experience in that area. After the 2004 tsunami, many organizations with no prior experience built boats or houses. I attended one handover ceremony where the boats actually sank during the ceremony because they weren’t properly sealed. There is a steep learning curve when nonprofits move out of their normal area of work, this may lead to mistakes and wasted money. Make sure the organization has prior experience in their proposed projects.

Don’t donate to a project just because it’s “sexy”
Recovery projects that are inherently attractive to donors – such as orphanages or boats – are easier to fund but may not be what is most needed. After the 2004 tsunami orphanages were built in excess of what was really needed, I had an orphanage approach me looking for orphans to house. So much money was given to orphanages in Indonesia that some families resorted to abandoning their children at the orphanages because they could not feed and clothe them. It would have been far better if the donations had supported the family so they could care for their children themselves. Boats were also heavily funded leading to far more boats built than were actually lost and a real concern for over fishing.

Don’t earmark funds
The organization is on the ground and has a far better idea of what is needed the most than someone half the world away. Earmarking funds may force the organization to spend money where it’s not needed and keep it from funding the projects that are needed the most. After the tsunami in Thailand, an organization had money earmarked for two truckloads of rice. By the time they arrived in the area four months after the tsunami, shipments of rice were no longer needed. Because the money had been earmarked the organization had to contact donors to get permission to use the money in different ways. If you trust the organization allow them to make professional decisions on how to best use your donation, if you don’t trust them then find another organization to donate to.

Don’t evaluate an organization based on the amount spent on administration cost
The amount an organization spends on administration is no indication of its quality. The pressure to keep administration costs low may lead to organizations under staffing their projects or hiring unqualified staff that may not have the skills to do their job. They may equip their staff with the tools and resources needed to do their job well. Or they may focus on inherently cheaper programs even if they are not what is most needed. Additionally, project costs and administration costs are easy to manipulate.

Do ensure that the agency is legitimate before giving
After the 2004 tsunami there were several fake charities created. In Thailand a man took photos of houses under construction and then posted the pictures on his own website saying that it was his organization’s work. Donors should verify that the nonprofit is real before giving. Google the exactname – be careful that they haven’t used a name that is almost identical to a well known charity. If the organization has been in operation for a while there should be a history of them on the web including links to conferences their staff have attended, newspaper articles written about them, or meeting minutes.

Donate only through the organization’s website to ensure you aren’t giving money to someone sending out a sham email or creating a fake facebook page.

Don’t expect the funds to be spent immediately
The initial relief phase encompasses search and rescue, immediate medical care, food, water and shelter. After that the much longer recovery and reconstruction phase begins. Organizations that feel pressure from donors to complete their work quickly may try to speed their work by cutting corners, leaving aid recipients out of the decision making process, avoiding coordinating with other organizations, or ending projects before they’re able to survive on their own. In Thailand there were numerous instances of houses being built before the land title was cleared requiring litigation, some families faced loosing their houses a few years later. Allow the organizations adequate time to ensure they are providing help in the best way possible.

Do consider holding off some of your donations until later in the rebuilding process
Immediately after a disaster is prime fundraising time for nonprofits, appeals are issued before there’s any clear idea of what is needed or how much they can actually help. If an organization receives more money than it can use for the type of help it provides it has one of four options. It can divert the excess funds to other programs in other countries, it can provide assistance in excess of what is actually needed, it can move out of its area of expertise and do projects it’s not skilled at, or it can subcontract other agencies to work in other areas. Rebuilding after a disaster takes years, waiting a few weeks or months before donating everything you plan to give will allow you to make additional funding decisions once the situation on the ground is clearer.

Don’t take up a collection of goods to send over
After the tsunami tons of used clothing were donated, much of it inappropriate to the climate and culture. There were winter hats, coats and gloves donated to southern Thailand and mountains of donated clothing dumped beside the road in India. Donated goods can clog ports and prevent more critical relief items from getting through. Ports can only hold and process so many goods and often the port authorities have difficulty sorting through everything arriving to get it processed and out the doors. Please do not take up collections of medicine, clothing, baby formula, or food for shipment, or show up on your own to hand out money or goods. Although well intentioned, this can actually make the situation worse as it adds to the confusion, diverts resources, and may lead to aid dependency.

Don’t go over individually to volunteer
Many people want to volunteer in the recovery efforts, however unless you have a specific skill and speak the language, there is often very little the individual can contribute that local people could not do. Local people need the work as many of them lose their livelihoods in the disaster. Even if you have a specialized trade such as a doctor or an architect your credentials may not be recognized in that country. In addition you will likely not find an international charity able to take you on because of liability issues and the fact that you don’t have prior disaster experience and training. Small local organizations may be willing to use volunteers, but their needs are for website developers, grant writers, and other office jobs. Your chances of working in the villages are small unless you speak the language and understand the culture.

Do consider donating an equal amount of money to disaster preparedness programs
Programs that help communities prepare for and respond to disasters save more lives and are more cost effective than large rescue operations after the disaster. This becomes even more important with the increasing rate of natural disasters. After each disaster the first people to respond are neighbors, friends, family, and local disaster response teams. Consider donating to organizations in other countries – or even your own home town – that help communities prepare for and respond to future disasters.

Don’t support any adoptions or evacuations of orphans
After each disaster there are attempts to adopt or evacuate orphans. However, many of these “orphans” have parents or other living relatives desperate to care for them. Priority should be placed on efforts to reunite children with their relatives. Evacuating the orphans from the country or putting them up for adoption may forever separate them from their family.

Don’t assume there is a body overseeing and regulating the aid
Most people assume that some entity, probably the UN, oversees international aid to ensure that it’s well done and getting where it is most needed. In reality the UN has no direct control over nonprofits, which makes it difficult to coordinate the relief efforts and ensure all the aid provided is appropriate an well done. Two attempts to create a regulatory body, once under the UN and once under the League of Nations, that proceeded the UN, have failed. Without this, it is up to the government hit by the disaster to monitor and control the flood of assistance into their country. This can be impossible for many local governments. The best way to stop ineffectual or bad aid is to only donate to organizations that you are certain are competent and skilled at their work.

Do take the time to make informed decisions
Take the time to understand the situation and make educated donor decisions. There are many resources here to help you do that. Your decision as to which nonprofits receive your donations matters.

Read more from Good Intents, about related posts and great discussions about aid and international relief efforts.

Informed Decisions Required for Disaster Relief

Disaster relief in Japan has actually become a fad. A trend, a buzz word, a blaze of interest fueled by the speed of social media and You Tube uploads. Today, our generation is more connected than ever. 'News finds us' every time we log into Facebook, open our emails and browse our favorite blogs. Newspapers are becoming outdated, magazines archaic and anything that requires more effort than the click of a button simply 'too time consuming.'

There are impacts of our 'connectedness' we cannot even conceive of at this time. Video game addicts and social network perverts aside, I worry about the flow of information and misinformed intent. News travels so fast, from so many sources, it tends to travel irresponsibly.

I'm happy to hear that so many around me (currently in South Florida) want to reach out to those in need. People are up in arms about Japan and spending lots of money trying to lend a hand. What I want to know is, why have we already forgotten about Haiti? Haiti is our brother, just 700 miles out to sea, and yet we never hear a word anymore: not in the news, not on the radio, not anywhere. Suddenly supporting Haiti isn't fashionable anymore. Now is the time more than ever that Haitians need our help. Forget the clothing and canned food donations, real relief comes from disaster preventative support, community outreach and infrastructure development. We lose sight of that. We log on, we see images of suffering and we react immediately, but not always effectively.

This year we've jumped from the mines of Chile, to the floods of Australia, to the quakes in New Zealand and now Japan...and most of us have responded each time. But have we really helped?

This is a call to action, but informed action. Don't just spread news and opinions without taking the time to reflect and investigate. ESPECIALLY as it relates to disaster relief. In Miami now everyone's talking about galas, exhibitions, social functions and fundraising for Japanese relief, but where is all that money going? To who? For what purpose?

The Japanese government is actually limiting international assistance now. The Japanese Government and the UN filed a report evaluating the extent of damage and what level of international assistance is actually needed.

Quoted from GoodIntents.org
Following the [UN] team’s visit to Miyagi Prefecture on 23 March and after discussion with Government of Japan counterparts, [UN] notes: (1) that even though the scale of the damage following the earthquake and tsunami was significant and resulting humanitarian needs remain considerable, (2) Japan is a highly developed country and has, in principle, enough resources as well as the ability to respond to existing humanitarian needs. The country can both produce and procure relief supplies domestically and has the capacity to deliver those supplies to the affected population. Japan has a consolidated disaster management system for disaster response although coordination and logistical challenges have yet to be fully overcome. [UN's] initial observation is that the need for any further international humanitarian presence or internationally procured relief supplies is limited and any such assistance should only be provided upon the request of the Japanese Government and in accordance with their stated criteria. In addition it is important not to overburden affected prefectures and local communities who are working at full capacity and do not have the resources to coordinate unsolicited offers of assistance. As a next step, [UN] is currently planning to visit Iwake and is determining how to access Fukushima in order to better understand residual humanitarian needs in those prefectures.

What does this mean? This means the Japanese government is politely saying it can handle itself, and that while assistance is appreciated sometimes it only creates more problems on the ground. Japan currently receives assistance from 133 countries and 33 established international organizations. Of these, it only accepts relief from 24 countries. Get it? I do, it's a clear message saying that your money and efforts while not unappreciated may be better used elsewhere.

We always mean well, but sometimes with international aid we tend to get it wrong. We've sent pork flavored military MREs to the Islamic Middle East, when all that was needed was rice. We've sent canned foods and inappropriate clothing to Russia, only to inadvertently offend the locals. We've sent money to orphanages in Indonesia, which made it easier for families to give up their children rather than fight to stay together. We tend to send everything, before we even take the time to put our ears to the ground and find out exactly what the locals need.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying to stop giving aid, what I am saying is to think twice about what it means to effectively give aid. We're taught from a very young age that throwing money at a problem isn't the solution, so remember that next time your heart's strings are pulled.

At the risk of great controversy, please comment and leave your thoughts below.

Also, see my next post for a guide of 'Do's and Don'ts of Disaster Donations.'